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Serum Portal

Trade on the world's fastest and most powerful decentralized exchange.



Serum Portal


Serum Portal

Serum Portal


Official Document Introduction



Serum is a protocol and ecosystem that brings unprecedented speed and low transaction costs to decentralized finance. It is built on top of Solana and is completely license-free. Ecosystem partners can combine it with Serum's on-chain central limit order book to share liquidity and power market-based functionality for institutional and retail users.

More specifically, Serum's on-chain central limit order book and matching engine provides liquidity and price-time-priority matching for traders and portfolio items. Users benefit from this trading model by being able to choose the price, size and direction of their trades. Portfolio projects benefit from Serum's existing architecture, bootstrap liquidity and matching services.



Given the popularity of DeFi and the growth of DEX on ethereum, users and developers are limited by high gas costs and slow transactions. Serum's goal is to address these issues and improve centralization, capital inefficiencies and liquidity fragmentation.

Launched on August 31, 2020, Serum is one of the first major open source projects built on Solana. It is backed by the Serum Foundation and supported by a consortium of cryptocurrency trading and decentralized finance experts, including FTX, Alameda Research, and the Solana Foundation.



血清核心——与资产无关的订单簿,用于匹配任何基于 Solana 的交易产品,包括期权、期货、借贷头寸,或任何可以利用 Serum 后端匹配引擎的金融和非金融工具

真正的可组合性——Serum 使各种应用程序和参与者可以在一个地方共享中间件。 AOB 的设计使得 Serum 的架构更适合模块化。 使用 Serum 的程序将具有更大的灵活性,同时保持一些标准的设计原则和可组合性。

开发者生态系统和服务——去中心化的链上订单撮合服务,为交易应用提供基础设施,给予开发者完全的控制权和灵活性、许可市场允许更大的灵活性和合规性、Serum DEX 建立在与资产无关的订单簿之上,为生态系统提供了更大的汇集流动性和共享资源来源,以支持基于交易的功能

Serum令牌(SRM)——SRM 是 Serum 生态系统的效用和治理代币、SRM 将完全集成到 Serum 中并从购买/销毁费用中受益

Solana 的速度和成本——Solana 允许在每笔交易 0.00001 美元的超低交易成本之上进行亚秒级交易和结算



The ultimate vision behind Serum is to drive Global mass adoption of DeFi One conceptualization of this goal includes reaching 1 billion users and $1 billion in on-chain value. A conceptualization of this goal includes reaching the milestones of 1 billion users and $1 billion in on-chain value.




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