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Orca is the easiest place to exchange cryptocurrencies on the Solana blockchain. On Orca, you can exchange tokens cheaper, faster and with more confidence than any DEX on Ether (thanks to our fair price indicator). In addition, you can propose to the trading pool...








Trading Tutorial


1. Create a Solana wallet

To use Orca, you need to use the Phantom , , Solflare , , Math Wallet , , Coin98 , , SafePal , , BitKeep or Slope Create a Solana wallet. Orca is a decentralized protocol that facilitates Solana transactions because Orca is uncustodial when you trade tokens, and the protocol will interact directly with your wallet.

In these documents, Phantom wallets are used for demonstration purposes.


2. Get SOL

Since Orca is built on the Solana blockchain, you'll need to use its native token SOL in your wallet to pay the network fee for each transaction. The network fee is a fraction of a cent per transaction, so just a dollar or two is enough to get started! You can buy SOL directly or convert from ETH via MetaMask.

Centralized exchanges buy SOL. Option 1: In your selected

In Phantom, click Deposit.



Enter the name of the token you want to deposit into your wallet, in this case Solana.



Click Copy to copy the deposit address and send the SOL from Binance, FTX or Coinbase to that address.

Be sure to confirm the correct address for the top-up before remitting funds, and that the withdrawal method is Solana SPL!



Option 2: Convert ETH to SOL via Sollet + MetaMask.

In Sollet, expand the SOL row.



Click Receive -> "ETH" tab -> Connect to MetaMask.



Enter the amount you wish to redeem and confirm the transaction via MetaMask.



3. (Optional) Convert tokens from Ether via MetaMask

If you have ERC-20 tokens that you want to trade on Orca, you can convert them to Serum-wrapped SPL equivalents in the Sollet UI by connecting your MetaMask. To do this, click the plus sign in the upper right corner of the header in Sollet.


Connect your wallet on Sollet.io.


Add any tokens you wish to convert by selecting from the list provided. You can also add tokens manually via the ERC-20 contract address (in the "ERC20 Tokens" tab) or the SPL mint address (in the "Manual Entry" tab) if you prefer to handle the contract/mint address directly.



After adding the token to the wallet, click the token to open the row, and then click Receive.



Click the second tab and connect your MetaMask.



Enter the amount, click Convert, and confirm the transaction in MetaMask. After the transaction is confirmed, the tokens will appear in your Sollet.



4. Connect sollet wallet with Orca for trading

Click "Connect Wallet" on the Orca home page, then enter your wallet password in the dialog box, click "Unlock", and then click "Connect". Orca has completed the task of linking the wallets.



On the far left side of the page, you can see the type and number of tokens in your wallet.



You can select the currency pair and quantity you want to trade on the following screen, click on Trade, and then click on Agree to complete the transaction.





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