How Jay's NFT was stolen by hackers on April Fool's Day

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How Jay's NFT was stolen by hackers on April Fool's Day


April 1, 2022

April Fool's Day

Jay posted on Instagram that

Possession of BAYC#3738 NFT has been stolen!

How Jay's NFT was stolen by hackers on April Fool's Day


How dare you steal the digital collection of the King of Chinese?

When everyone thought it was a joke

Hackers have transferred and sold Jay's NFT

How Jay's NFT was stolen by hackers on April Fool's Day

April Fool's Day

How did hackers target Jay's NFT?

And how was it transferred?

Although the process is simple

But this NFT anti-theft tip

Maybe it suits Jay

How did Jay's NFT get transferred?

It is understood that the NFT was presented by Huang Lixing in January this year.

After a look by the Chengdu Chain Security technical team, it was found that Jay signed the wallet address beginning with 0x71de2 to authorize (approve) the transaction at around 11:00, granting the NFT permission to the attacker's wallet beginning with 0xe34f0. Perhaps at this time Jay was not aware of his NFT, which was already at risk.

In just the past few minutes, the attacker transferred the Bored Ape BAYC #3738 NFT to his own wallet address at 11:07.

How Jay's NFT was stolen by hackers on April Fool's Day

However, hackers seem to have set their eyes on the Chinese pop king and proceeded to steal 1 MAYC and 2 Doodles held by Jay Chou as well.

How Jay's NFT was stolen by hackers on April Fool's Day

After the attackers got their hands on the stolen NFTs, they sold them on LooksRare and OpenSea, gaining about 169.6 ETH.

How Jay's NFT was stolen by hackers on April Fool's Day

The funds currently rest at this address beginning with 0x6E85C, and just like that, Jay's NFT was hacked for profit.

How Jay's NFT was stolen by hackers on April Fool's Day

I would like to say, brother Jay, theft is theft, quickly prepare a new album.

What are the risks of NFT?

In several previous articles, we have pointed out that the current NFT risks can be broadly classified into two categories.

One is the authorization problem of NFT itself (NFT holders can authorize other addresses as proxies), which may be due to misuse by NFT holders, resulting in hijacking of NFT privileges (mainly phishing sites, wallet-level insecure interface calls).

Second, the external risks introduced by NFT's participation in the DEFI system, such as: the security risks associated with the NFT pledge mining contract itself, which is basically the same as the regular DEFI risks.


How Jay's NFT was stolen by hackers on April Fool's Day

In addition, we need to guard against various fraudulent schemes.

For example, scammers may send you links to fraudulent websites through Discord, or send fake transaction links to lure you to click on them. In addition, scammers will use various means to trick users into sending their private keys or helper words to themselves, so be sure to protect your private keys and helper words.

These fraud prevention guidelines you need to know

In addition to being wary of NFT hype, you also need to guard against all kinds of NFT scam schemes, the number and scope of fraud related to NFT in the last year also showed an explosive growth, you also need to take extra precautions.

How Jay's NFT was stolen by hackers on April Fool's Day

Pay attention to the screening of real and fake websites

Be sure to watch out for fake websites, especially phishing websites. Don't authorize so easily! Do not authorize easily! Do not authorize easily!

Do not disclose private keys or mnemonics

Protect your private keys and helper words from disclosure. Once compromised, your digital assets are likely to be at risk.

Cancel wallet authorization in a timely manner

If you have already authorized your wallet at a fraudulent website, you can check the status of your wallet authorization and cancel it promptly by going to the following address.

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