United States
Cross-chain toolsMulti-Chain BridgeSpan Chain Bridge


Across is the fastest, cheapest and safest bridge between L1 and L2.




Official Documentation Tutorial

Step 1: Enter bridge details

For this step, you will select the source Chain , assets and amounts, and target chains.

The following are Across Bridge The meaning of each drop-down menu on the page.

  1. From. Source Chain
  2. Assets. The assets you want to transfer
  3. Size. The number of assets you want to transfer
  4. To: Target chain

Please be sure to start with From Drop-down lists and To Select the correct chain name from the drop-down list. You should verify that your wallet is connected to the same network as the source chain.

Step 2: Approve the contract

The first time you bridge a specific token from a chain, you need to approve the contract to transfer the token in your name. If you are using ETH, this step is not required.

Click at the bottom of the page Approve and confirm the transaction in your wallet.


Step 3: Bridging

The next step is to send the bridge.

At this point, you should verify that you have selected the correct From . To chain, and you have entered the number of tokens you want to send. After verifying this information, you can click " Send" button, then confirm the transaction in your wallet.


Step 4: Review


After the transaction is confirmed in your wallet, you can view the details of the transaction on the confirmation page and monitor it on the transaction page Trading Progress.

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