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Cross-chain toolsMulti-Chain Bridge


On Rubic, you can exchange more than 15,500 tokens on 26 blockchains with a single click. Thanks to the aggregation of more than 90 DEXs and bridges, Rubic offers efficient transaction routing and speed, as well as the best rates.



On Rubic, you can exchange more than 15,500 tokens on 26 blockchains in one click. Thanks to the aggregation of more than 90 DEXs and bridges, Rubic offers efficient transaction routing and speed, as well as the best rates.


Official Document Introduction

Rubic The functionality can be implemented by any encryption project willing to become interoperable, with easy-to-install widgets and a fully customizable SDK. Today, 130 of the 2150 live dApps running on the market are already interoperable with Rubic, accounting for 6% of the total number of live dApps on the market.

We plan to expand Rubic's dApp share and reach 25% of total dApps by 2023.

Rubic's technology remains sustainable and secure: we never keep users' money on our front end, and every transaction is made through the API by sending a call to the provider's smart contract.

Rubic's Value Proposition


With liquidity distributed across different chains, cross-chain technology is becoming a necessity rather than a trend. Today, the blockchain space lacks a viable cross-chain infrastructure to interconnect all crypto projects.

Developers spend weeks and months making their dApps interoperable across chains, researching and integrating across chained bridges, signals, prophets, and non-uniform Layer 0 networks. This makes overall development both time-consuming and expensive.


Rubic is the ultimate solution for users and projects seeking to leverage cross-chains, aggregated blockchains, bridges, and DEX. Rubic is a full cross-chain solution aggregator for users and dApps: token and NFT bridges, signals, prophecy machines and smart contract executors.

例如: – 现在,通过在您的项目中实施 Rubic,用户将能够在 EVM 和非 EVM 链上为 15,500 种资产(包括 250 多种货币的法定支付方式)中的任何一种交换代币和 NFT,而无需离开您的网站。 – 你的项目将能够以多种方式与其他网络通信,无论它们建立在什么区块链上。

Business Model

  • Our future revenue model will be based on several areas.
  • Revenue sharing with Bridges
  • Blockchain Integration Fees
  • Transaction Fees
  • Protocol/SDK Subscription Fee
  • Project/Widget Customization Fee

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