United States
Digital WalletSol Wallet


Phantom is an extension for accessing distributed applications deployed on the Solana blockchain.





Friendly crypto wallet for tokens, NFT and DeFi. Phantom Make it easy, safe and fun for everyone to explore all that Web3 has to offer.

The extension injects an object into the javascript context of each website so that decentralized applications can interact with your wallet and you can interact with the application. Phantom also allows users to create and manage their own identity (via private keys, helper tokens, and hardware wallets like Ledger), so when decentralized applications want to execute transactions and write to the blockchain, users get a secure interface to view the transactions, before approving or rejecting them. Because it adds functionality to the normal browser context, Phantom requires permission to read and write to any web page. Security is taken very seriously, and Phantom code has been audited by top auditing firms.

Do more with your cryptocurrency

– 超低费用的即时交易

– 一个美丽的 NFT 和代币之家

– 在我们的浏览器中使用您最喜爱的网站


We guarantee your safety

– 您可以完全控制您的资产

– 您的隐私得到 100% 的尊重

– 由顶级安全公司独立审计


The most advanced crypto wallet

– 只需点击几下即可放样您的代币

– 内置交换快速简便

– 通过生物认证保持安全

Just deposit some cryptocurrency into Phantom and start using Web3 right away!

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