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Baryon Swap

BaryonSwap is a decentralized automated liquidity pool built on the BNB chain that allows users to exchange BEP20 tokens. In addition, BaryonSwap will aggregate liquidity from other rich sources to provide users with the best possible trading prices.



Baryon Swap


Baryon Network is an advanced suite of DeFi products based on the BNB chain and contains three basic pillars: BaryonSwap (AMM), BaryonFarm and BaryonStake.
Baryon Swap

Baryon Swap

BaryonSwap is a decentralized automated liquidity pool built on the BNB chain that allows users to exchange BEP20 tokens. In addition, BaryonSwap will aggregate liquidity from other rich sources to provide users with the best possible trading prices.
BaryonFarm enables users to maximize the return on LP tokens through additional reward tokens offered by the program, a tool for builders to support their liquidity providers.
BaryonStake allows project teams to reward their loyal holders through the pledge feature. Rewards are automatically compounded, so users do not need to do anything other than click the stake button.

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