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Creating the largest DeFi ecosystem, integrating DEX, IMO and DAO




 MDEX Swap Introduction

MDEX.COMA decentralized cross-chain trading protocol supporting BSC, HECO and ETH, ranked #1 in CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko's DEX rankings. MDEX.COM innovatively combines the different advantages of various underlying public chains to create a complete composite high-performance DEX ecosystem. The "dual mining" mechanism of liquidity mining and transaction mining provides participants with greater returns, and the "buy-back and destroy" mechanism of transaction fees enables a self-driven closed loop of value capture. It runs on HECO, ETH and Coin Smartchain (BSC). Users can use MDEX Bridge to achieve cross-chain interoperability between HECO, ETH, and BSC.
MDEX is committed to establishing a composite DeFi ecology integrating DEX, IMO and DAO, providing one-stop liquidity services for more quality assets and a more secure, reliable, diversified and cost-effective trading experience for users. For cryptocurrency trading, MDEX.COM is definitely the bigger, faster, better and cheaper choice!

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