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Fatsale one-click coin distribution platform

Fatsale is a new mechanism of decentralized pre-sale platform, including token pre-sale, token lock pool, token creation and other common functions


Fatsale one-click coin distribution platform

Fatsale is a one-click coin issuance platform designed to provide users with fast, easy and secure digital asset issuance and management services. Here is how to use Fatsale.
    1. Visit the Fatsale website at
    2. and connect the wallet, create a new project

On the official Fatsale website, click on the "Link Wallet" button to connect. After successful connection, login to your account and click the "Create Project" button to fill in the project name, description, token symbol, total number of tokens issued and other information. After successful creation, you can see the project overview screen, which includes basic token information, contract address, token holder and other information.

    1. Token Configuration

On the project overview screen, click the "Token Configuration" button to configure the name, symbol, and number of decimal places of the tokens. You can also select the token issuance method, including fixed issue, incremental issue and destruction.

    1. Token Sales

On the project overview screen, click the "Token Sale" button to set up a token sale. Users can choose the sales method, including public sales and private sales. Public sales can set token price and sales quantity, while private sales can set token price, sales quantity and sales target. After the sale is successful, the tokens will be automatically assigned to the purchaser.

    1. Token Management

On the project overview screen, click the "Token Management" button to view token holders, token transfer records and token balances. Users can also lock and unlock tokens to control the circulation of tokens.

    1. Withdrawal and recharge

On the project overview screen, click the "Withdraw" and "Recharge" buttons to withdraw and recharge digital assets. Users are required to enter relevant information and perform identity verification to ensure safety and security.

Overall, Fatsale is a very easy-to-use one-click coin issuance platform that provides a complete digital asset issuance and management service, allowing users to quickly create their own digital assets and sell, manage and circulate them.

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