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Introduced todayPooCoin Charts poop.comThe wallet can automatically help us find the right one by simply connecting it to the walletDEXIt is a solution to the above-mentioned problems of centralized exchanges, and coins on the same chain can be exchanged with each other, and you can also see timely charts and other information about the coin!

Let's find out!

Once you enter the website, you can directly search for the desired currency

Currently the main supported chains are BSC, Matic, KCC

Just type the currency address or name into the search field and it will appear, but hereWe recommend posting the correct currency address directlyWhile DEX has the advantage of being able to trade many coins that are not listed on centralized exchanges, it also has the advantage of being able to trade many coins that are not listed on centralized exchanges because of thisThe result is that many fraudulent coins that can only be bought but not sold are confused by using similar names, so try to post your address when searching so that you don't trade the wrong coins.

If you don't know which chain you want to trade with, just post the address and search for it. The correct currency address will only be displayed on the corresponding chain.

Buy and sell coins, charts, currency information all in one place ~~~

From the above chart is divided into several blocks, currency information, trend chart, wallet Wallet, trade Trade

Currency information: Total Supply, Market Cap, Holders, Transactions, Contract
The data here are grabbed from the chain's block browser, click can also be directly connected to the browser to see, there will be an opportunity to write another to introduce, now we just need to understand these proprietary names can be simple first ~

Trend Chart
For those who want to see the recent trend or have studied technical analysis inPooCoin Charts poop.comTrading is really convenient! Many DEX usually only have Trade and Farm type functions, but here you can simply switch the duration (top left corner) to see the overall trend, and then judge the timing of entering the trade.

Wallet Wallet
When we click on connect in the upper right corner to connect the wallet, we can see the virtual currency assets we own in this chain on the right side.

Trading Trade
Finally to introduce the most important transaction inPooCoin Charts poop.comWhen trading inside, he will directly help you find the DEX that can trade this pair to trade, saving us the step of googling which DEX to trade, I will list and introduce the steps below.

You can follow the steps below to practice

1.Click TRADE
The above screen will pop up. Remember to connect the Fox Wallet, or any other wallet you want to trade with, in the top right corner before trading.

2.Exchange selection
If you do not recognize the listed DEX, you can simply select AUTO.

3. Slippage
Here we will first briefly introduce the meaning of slippage, which refers to the acceptable price range for the transaction, for example. The current price is $1, the slippage is set to 2%, then the transaction range between 0.98-1.02 USD is possible, soWhen the price fluctuations are intense, the higher the slippage point is easier to deal, but relatively need to bear the risk of dealing at higher prices, so it is recommended not to set too high, usually 0.5% are able to deal, can not deal and then gradually adjust upward on the good.

4. FROM(coins you want to sell), TO(coins you want to buy)

FROM.Select the coin we want to sell, if the preset is not what you want, click on the currency pattern (BNB) to bring up the image below and paste the currency address to change it.

TO.Select the coin we want to buy, if the preset is not the one you want, replace it in the same way as above.


5. Click SWAP
In the last step, click SWAP to make a transaction. If APPROVE is displayed below, it means your wallet has not been approved for this coin pair yet, and you can SWAP only after execution.

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