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O3 Swap

Cross-chain Aggregation Protocols Access to multiple sources of chain mobility on one platform


O3 Swap


O3 Swap


O3 Swap Version 2 of O3 Interchange, officially named "O3 Interchange", will be a different kind of cross-chain DEX, as it provides services in addition to bridging the same tokens between different chains and also exchanges heterogeneous or different digital assets. In addition to aggregating DEX on the source chain like V1, O3 Interchange will also aggregate DEX on the destination chain. This means that users will have more choices of destination assets.

O3 Interchange was designed by a team working to build interoperable aggregators for Web 3.0, providing a common solution for cross-chain transactions. The design is closely aligned with feedback from the O3 community to push the boundaries of what is technically possible today. O3 Labs will continue to closely monitor existing cross-chain solutions in the market and will continue to improve the protocol through the O3 DAO based on the wishes of $O3 holders, which should be refined and released sometime in late Q1 2022 or late Q1 2022 Q2 2022.

Swap and Bridge's new cross-chain mechanism allows for simple one-time confirmation of transactions. In addition, they will be able to support more chains and tokens that are compatible with EVM. In addition, the O3 Labs team will provide Gas Station to address the need for gas fees on each chain. Through Interchange and stopping at our gas stations, users will have better access to the Web 3.0 highway.

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