Cointool|On-chain professional tools, dex grant check, on-chain speed test.
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Cointool|On-chain professional tools, dex grant checking, on-chain speed measurement.

cointool is an online digital currency toolbox. cointool is a convenient blockchain tool for a wide range of cryptocurrency enthusiasts to meet various needs. It is everyone's favorite tool man!


Cointool|On-chain professional tools, dex grant checking, on-chain speed measurement.


What is itself is a scientist website with a lot of very awesome features on it, such as bulk wallet creation, bulk airdrop, bulk query, token homing, wallet authorization release and other powerful features. Of course what I'm going to introduce today is not these, but the scientist coin grabber which is designed for the primary market fire.

How to buy Scientist Coin Grabber?

Computer version.

Open the Scientist Coin Grabber webpage with the browser where the Little Fox Wallet is installed

The Little Fox wallet needs to be on the main network of the FireCoin chain, and the wallet needs to have 20HT or more in it

Then pay 20HT to get Scientist Coin Grabber permanent VIP

Scientists page

Cointool|On-chain professional tools, dex grant checking, on-chain speed measurement.

It will prompt for a KEY

Copy the KEY below and you will see the main interface of Scientist Coin Grabber

key: 0xa3a6DDA437B6A2e287ED20F09C2e38cE041F22cA

Enter to unlock and a pop-up will appear to join the scientists

Cointool|On-chain professional tools, dex grant checking, on-chain speed measurement.

Mobile version: use the mobile version of the wallet in dapp enter the above scientist address, the right prompt to link the wallet, regardless of what wallet, click the little fox can automatically link to your wallet. Purchase the same way as the computer version.

How to use Scientist Coin Grabber?
Cointool|On-chain professional tools, dex grant checking, on-chain speed measurement.

Choose the platform, I found that this scientist coin grabber supports a lot of platforms, basically the mainstream seen on the market Fe mainstream are supported, and recently added the horseshoe chain quickswap.

I generally use pancakes more often, so I'll use them to explain how to use them.

After selecting the platform, the system will automatically assign a node, click test, and be able to read the block, indicating that this node is able to use.

Cointool|On-chain professional tools, dex grant checking, on-chain speed measurement.

Early authorization: Generally no coins inside the wallet can be authorized in advance. Using a scientist, you can give early authorization to coins you don't have, so you don't have to authorize them again when you sell. Sell faster and avoid missing the best sell point.

See the picture above for graphic introduction. After completing the last step of authorization, set gas to 100-200 when grabbing coins. You can buy successfully in about 3 seconds after opening. Click on the rocket to start grabbing coins after the settings are done. Note that you do not need to fill in the contract address to grab coins with platform coins, the system will default to platform coins.

Cointool|On-chain professional tools, dex grant checking, on-chain speed measurement.

The pool will be monitored after the coin grabbing starts, when the pool meets the conditions, it will be bought immediately. It means you have successfully bought.

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