Official Pixie Detection Group</trp-post-container
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Contract TestingPixie Search

Official Pixi Detection Group

Enter the contract address and automatically populate all relevant data, including: transaction status, buying and selling fees, liquidity size, lock pool percentage, ownership abandonment or not. Code layer detection: transaction switch, commission, increment switch, blacklist, whether adjustable tax, fetch...


DeFI official brave detection group

With the rapid development of the digital currency market, the application of blockchain technology is becoming more and more widespread, and smart contracts are one of the important applications of blockchain technology. The security of smart contracts has always been a hot issue in the digital currency market, and the Pixi detection tool is a tool specifically for smart contract security testing. Here we will introduce the features and usage of the Pixie detection tool.

A, the function of the brave detection tool

The Pixi Detection Tool is a tool for testing the security of smart contracts.

  1. Enter the contract address and all relevant data will pop up automatically: transaction status, buying and selling fees, liquidity size, lock pool percentage, ownership abandonment or not, etc.
  2. Code layer detection: transaction switch, commission, increment switch, blacklist, whether adjustable tax, retrieve ownership switch, etc.
  3. Position detection.

Second, the use of brave detection tool

The use of the Pixi detection tool is very simple, just follow these steps.

  1. Open the official brave detection link and click on it to jump to the Telegram group dedicated to checking brave.
  2. Enter the address of the smart contract to be detected in the input box and click the Send button.
  3. You can view the security test results of the smart contract.

In addition to the official Pixi detection tools, there are other open source contract detection tools, such as Mythril, Securify, Oyente, etc. These tools can also help users detect the security of smart contracts.

Three, the advantages of the brave detection tool

Compared to other contract detection tools, the Pixie Detection Tool has the following advantages.

  1. High Accuracy: The Pixi detection tool is able to perform comprehensive testing of smart contracts, including code level and position level, ensuring the accuracy of the testing results.
  2. Easy to use: It is very easy to use the Pixi detection tool, you only need to enter the smart contract address, you will be able to view the test results, convenient and fast.
  3. Support for multiple contract types: The Pixi detection tool supports multiple smart contract types, including Ether contracts, EOS contracts, TRON contracts, etc.

In short, with the widespread use of smart contracts, the issue of smart contract security has become more and more important. Using the Pixi detection tool can help users to timely find

Here is the video tutorial


Pixie detection is also known as contract detection Enter the contract address and automatically populate all relevant data, including: transaction status, buying and selling fees, liquidity size, lock pool percentage, and whether ownership is given up. Code level detection: trade switch, commission, increment switch, blacklist, whether adjustable tax, retrieve ownership switch. Position detection. Easy and convenient!

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