NFT avatar batch generation and one-click upload Open sea tool</trp-post-container

NFT avatar batch generation and one-click upload Open sea tool

NFT avatar batch generation and one-click upload Open sea tool


Last update:January 14, 2022Tags:Platform:

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NFT avatar batch generation and one-click upload Open sea tool


NFTAvatar batch generationTools

Introducing a very useful NFT batch generationTools


Extraction code: nfts

Just download and unzip

Open the unpacked folder


NFT avatar batch generation and one-click upload Open sea tool

Put the designed pictures in the corresponding folders, here it is important to note that all the pictures should be the same size, for example, if your body part picture is 500 x 500, then all the other parts of the picture should be the same 500 x 500. Remember, all the pictures need to be keyed off the background.

Put the finished pictures into the corresponding folder, not necessarily all parts need to put pictures, you can choose the parts you want to put in the pictures.

Click on Build.exe

NFT avatar batch generation and one-click upload Open sea tool

NFT avatar batch generation and one-click upload Open sea tool

Waiting for completion

Click when you are done The generated images are inside.

NFT avatar batch generation and one-click upload Open sea tool

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