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NFT PlatformNFT Rarity

NFT Rarity Score

NFT ranking platform. Check your rarity


NFT Rarity Score

RaritySniffer Tutorial

Next, we will show you by hand how to use RaritySniffer.

1. First click on RaritySniffer The official website: https://raritysniffer.com/ 。

NFT Rarity Score

2. If you are an NFT project, you can click on the purple button "List your collection" in the middle of the screen to send RaritySniffer Submit an application to put your NFT work on their website for people to look up.

NFT Rarity Score

3. If you want to see what the latest NFT projects are, you can click on "Latest" in the upper right corner.

NFT Rarity Score
NFT Rarity Score

4. RaritySniffer There is also a very special feature that can be seen Upcoming NFT What's available and even a link to provide casting. Want to see What are the upcoming NFTs For fans, you can click Upcoming in the upper right corner of the screen.

NFT Rarity Score

Next you will see a list of NFTs that are open for casting or will soon be open for casting, and even the open casting time is clear, which is really quite convenient for NFT fans.

NFT Rarity Score

5. If you want to search for a specific series of NFT, you can type the name of the NFT item you want to search for in the search bar at the top of the screen.

NFT Rarity Score

We take the recently very famous Azuki as an example, you can see that each NFT has a number #1, #2, #3 ... in the upper right corner, this number represents the NFT in this series of rarity ranking is the first, #1 is the rarest, #2 is the second rare, and so on. And so on.

The number in the upper left corner of each NFT is a weighted score based on the rarity of the feature, with the larger the number representing the rarer the NFT.

(The RaritySniffer website offers a variety of rare feature weighting methods, which are a bit too complicated to mention here)


NFT Rarity Score

On the left side of the page is a search filter that allows you to search for NFTs by different criteria, such as the most common NFT number (Token ID) to search for the rarity of the NFT. More advanced, you can also use the price (Price) interval or rarity (Rarity) interval to search.

If you see an NFT you like, you can also click on "View on OpenSea" below the NFT, which will lead you directly to the OpenSea page of that NFT.

NFT Rarity Score

The above is our response to RaritySniffer The introduction of the RaritySniffer It is a fairly simple to use NFT rarity query tool, encourage you to read the above introduction, do it yourself to use to see oh!

If you are interested in any other projects or tools, please feel free to leave a comment on Facebook or contact us at NFTBoard, and we will find time to do an introduction if we think the topic is good.

NFTBoard is a platform for sharing news and information about NFT and the metaverse. The content published on NFTBoard does not constitute any investment advice or position, and all kinds of information are welcome for exchange and discussion to create a benevolent network environment together.

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