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NFT PlatformNFT Data

Crypto Slam

NFT data, ranking, price, sales volume chart, market cap



Crypto Slam


Sales Volume Rankings

with " NFT Stats "The tool is also based on twenty-four-hour, seven-day, thirty-day and historical transaction statistics, but the ranking is more comprehensive and also covers the NFT sales status on different chains, which is one of the factors that make it more informative.

Crypto Slam

The first place on the historical transaction is the Axie Infinity NFT (AXS) that leads the game universe and continues to dominate the top of the historical transaction list, with the second place Crypto Punks have a lot of gaps, the dominant player on the Flow chain is the NBA Top Shot that has a strong fan base at home and abroad, being a big collector of NBA fans can be a lot.

Other fundamentally strong NFTs such as Bored Ape Yacht Club, Mutant Ape Yacht Club, Cool Cats, etc.

Crypto Slam

Project Status Data

By selecting the NFT collection you want to check, you can see more data, today's sales, the number of users who bought today, etc., and the current fuel cost status.

Crypto Slam

NFT transfer data with real-time transactions and very detailed project information are available.


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