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出入金咨询: DexDao


  1. 不要使用常用卡。避免使用工资卡、还房贷车贷的卡等常用卡,这些卡被冻结后对用户影响较大。
  2. 避免选择4大行的卡。选择地方性银行的卡被冻结的概率较低。
  3. 尽量申请多个微信和支付宝小额提取。多个提现渠道可以分散风险。
  4. 选择认证商家2000单以上或者平台认证过的商家。虽然这条也被案例证明效果不显著,但安全系数总归会好一些。
  5. 出金小额多次,不要一次性提取大额资金。担心时间过长比特币折价,可以换成稳定币USDT。但需要注意,接触商家越多,风险也就越大。
  6. 使用信用卡先消费,然后再出金。消费完毕后及时还款,这样可以避免因大额出金被冻结。
  7. 利用股市的“洗钱”机制。出金后可以转入股市,之后再转回来提现,以此保证资金的安全。
  8. 如果可以,选择将要提取的USDT换成BTC再出金。由于USDT出金风险较高,使用BTC出金可以减少被冻结的概率。
  9. 如果资金量较大,可以考虑使用大客户通道。



首先,当你发现银行卡被冻结时,你需要及时与银行联系并了解冻结的原因。如果是银行自身的风控措施导致的冻结,那么问题通常不大,只是网银功能被冻结。通过与银行沟通并提供相关的交易证明,你可以解冻这个问题。如果是因为异常like 25 apples、频繁多人多次交易etc.异常行为导致的,也需要及时与银行沟通解决。




After your bank card is frozen, contact the OTC exchange and you will usually be told the process of handling the bank card freeze, but the exchange's attitude towards the acceptors is such that they cannot be sure that the black money is coming from these acceptors, therefore, they will not punish these acceptors.

I am not very happy with the way this was handled and I think it is the responsibility of the exchange to remind customers which acceptors have had their funds frozen in order to prevent a similar situation from occurring again.


I'll give you some advice about safe withdrawal of funds, depending on your situation.

1. Bull market out of the gold out of the probability of problems is lower, because the bull market when more money into the field, the probability of encountering black money is lower.

2. It is best if you can find people around you who are familiar with OTC trading, preferably those who are supposed to buy coins.

3. When you withdraw the money, you should pay attention to the real name of the buyer's payment account needs to be the same as the real name of the exchange account, if you receive the money and find that the name is not the same, the probability is that there will be problems with the funds, find a way to return the assets, and then let customer service intervention to deal with.

4. Small withdrawals, multi-card withdrawals, really too worried about the funds have problems, you can go to the ATM machine to take out cash after each withdrawal (if the large funds, you can not take too much cash at once).

5. Choose some of the lesser-known and older exchanges, such as Anbank AEX, which was established in 2013, and choose those acceptors with a smaller amount of capital, then you can have a little loss in price, but there is some guarantee of security.

6. Don't sell your coins, if you sell your coins, you can also exchange them for USDT first, and then exchange USDT for RMB when you really need money, otherwise you can just hold USDT.

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