Develop a blockchain exchange using Java language source code to share

Technical Blog1years go (2023)更新 Dexnav

UsingJavaLanguage DevelopmentBlockchainExchangeofSource CodeShare

A blockchain exchange is a digital asset trading platform where users can buy, sell, exchange and trade digital assets. Blockchain exchanges have become an important pillar for the development of the digital asset industry by ensuring the security, transparency and decentralization of transactions through blockchain technology.

Development Languages

Advantages of Java language in blockchain exchange development

The Java language is widely used in the development of blockchain exchanges because of its good cross-platform nature, high security, good architectural design capabilities, and rich support for third-party libraries and frameworks. blockchain exchanges developed in Java have the advantages of high code readability, easy maintenance and extension.

Functions and features of blockchain exchanges

The main functions of a blockchain exchange includeCoin Trading, ,Fiat Currency Trading, ,Perpetual ContractsTrading andOptionstransactions, etc. Features of blockchain exchanges includeTrade BrokerageFast speed, safe and reliable transaction data, transparent and fair transaction process, convenient management of user assets, etc.

A. The fundamentals of coin trading

Coin trading is the most basic and commonly used form of trading on blockchain exchanges, which allows users to trade between exchanges in the form of a certain cryptocurrency or digital currency pair. On an exchange, each currency pair has a corresponding trading market, including a bid price (bid) and an ask price (ask), with the bid price being the highest sale price in the market and the ask price being the lowest purchase price in the market. Buyers and sellers can trade coins on the exchange by submitting buy orders or sell orders.

B. Method of realizing transaction aggregation

Transaction aggregation is a key technology for implementing coin trading in an exchange. Its main task is to aggregate trade orders from buyers and sellers in order to reach a deal. The implementation of transaction aggregation is usually processed using a queue data structure. When a user submits an order, the order is put into a queue waiting to be aggregated. The aggregation engine takes the buy orders and sell orders from the queue and aggregates them according to certain rules. During the aggregation process, the trading engine will match the aggregation based on the market depth, order price and quantity, etc. When the buy order price is higher than the sell order price, the aggregation is successful.

The implementation method of transaction aggregation requires a combination of specific data structures and algorithms to implement. In the Java language, we can use a queue data structure to handle the order aggregation matching.

The following is sample code for a simple aggregation engine.

public class MatchEngine {
    private PriorityQueue buyQueue = new PriorityQueue();
    private PriorityQueue sellQueue = new PriorityQueue();

    public void addOrder(Order order) {
        if (order instanceof BuyOrder) {
            buyQueue.add((BuyOrder) order);
        } else {
            sellQueue.add((SellOrder) order);

    private void matchOrders() {
        while (!buyQueue.isEmpty() && !sellQueue.isEmpty()) {
            BuyOrder buyOrder = buyQueue.peek();
            SellOrder sellOrder = sellQueue.peek();
            if (buyOrder.getPrice() >= sellOrder.getPrice()) { if (buyOrder.getPrice() >= sellOrder.getPrice()) {
                int amount = Math.min(buyOrder.getAmount(), sellOrder.getAmount());
                buyOrder.execute(amount, sellOrder.getPrice());
                sellOrder.execute(amount, sellOrder.getPrice());
                if (buyOrder.getAmount() == 0) {
                if (sellOrder.getAmount() == 0) {
            } else {

In this sample code, we use the priority queue data structure in Java language to implement the order aggregation matching. When the aggregation engine receives an order, it will put the buy order and sell order into the buy order queue and sell order queue respectively. The aggregation engine will take out the highest priced buy order and the lowest priced sell order from the queue for aggregation matching. If the buy order price is higher or equal to the sell order price, the aggregation match is performed and the quantity and price of the order is updated. If the number of buy or sell orders is 0, they are removed from the queue. When the price of a buy order is lower than the price of a sell order, the aggregation engine stops the aggregation matching.

C. Place an order.Withdrawal of ordersThe realization of

Placing and withdrawing orders are common operations in cryptocurrency trading. Placing an order means that the user submits a certain cryptocurrency or digital currency to the exchange for trading. When placing an order, the user needs to specify information such as currency pair, transaction type, price and quantity. Withdrawing an order is when a user cancels an unfinished order, and withdrawing an order can reduce the user's losses. In an exchange, orders are usually placed and withdrawn throughTrading APIimplementation, the API will send the user's order placement and withdrawal requests to the aggregation engine for processing.

D. Trading Handicap.Market ShowThe realization of

A trading order form is a page in an exchange that displays the current market buy and sell pending orders, which allows users to understand the current market price trend, depth of trading and other information. On the Trading Orders page, users can see information about the price of buy and sell orders, the number of pending orders and the amount of transactions. The Quote Display is the page in the exchange that shows the price trend of a currency pair. It usually displays information such as the real-time price of the currency pair, the volume of transactions, the volume of transactions and the rate of increase or decrease. The implementation of the trading desk and ticker display can be written in Java and is divided into two main parts: the front-end and the back-end. The front-end is usually developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript technologies, while the back-end implements data acquisition and processing through Java technologies. The following are some specific implementation details and sample code.

    1. Front-end implementation The front-end page can be laid out using HTML and CSS, and the JavaScript code receives data from the back-end and updates the page display in real time via the WebSocket protocol. The following is a sample WebSocket-based front-end code.
      var socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080/ws");
      socket.onmessage = function(event) {
        var data = JSON.parse(event.data);
        // Process data from the backend
        // update the page display
    2. Back-end implementation The back-end is mainly responsible for data acquisition and processing, and pushing data to the front-end in real time through the WebSocket protocol. The following is a sample back-end code implemented in Java.
      public class MarketWebSocket {
        private static Set sessions = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet());
        public void onOpen(Session session) {
        public void onClose(Session session) {
        public void onMessage(String message, Session session) {
          // Handle requests from the front end
        public static void sendMarketData(String data) {
          for (Session session : sessions) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {

      The above code defines a Java class with @ServerEndpoint annotation as a WebSocket server side that can receive requests from the front-end via WebSocket protocol and push data to the front-end in real time. sendMarketData method is used to push data to all connected clients.

Through the above source code sharing, we can learn how to use Java language to implement the exchange's market display and trading order function. Of course, there are many details to be considered in the actual development, such as performance optimization, security, etc., which need to be handled in conjunction with the specific situation. Our team has more than 5 years of blockchain project development experience, if you need to develop a project, you can contact our DexNav webmaster or DexDao. Our technical team will give you a technical solution as soon as possible, and provide a corresponding quote.

Exchange Technology Development:DexDao

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