Blockchain public chain development: how to build EVM ecosystem and implement Web3 application

Technical Blog1years go (2023)更新 Dexnav

BlockchainPublic ChainDevelopment: How to buildEVMEcology and realizationWeb3Applications

Author:Admin Public Chain Developer Telegram Contact: DexNav

With the continuous development and application of blockchain technology, public chain development has become an important field, and many well-known public chain projects have emerged, such as Bitcoin,Ether, EOS, etc. The continuous innovation and development of these public chain projects have promoted the further development and application of blockchain technology.

Basic concepts of EVM ecology and Web3 applications

The EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) ecology is a virtual machine environment developed based on the ethereum blockchain, which allows developers to useSolidityetc.Smart ContractsThe language is used to create smart contracts and run them on the Ethernet blockchain. smart contracts in the EVM ecosystem are stored on the Ethernet blockchain and are interpreted and executed by EVM.

Web3 applications are decentralized applications based on blockchain technology. data and code in Web3 applications are stored on the blockchain, and therefore have decentralized and non-tamperable characteristics. the development of Web3 applications requires the use ofWeb3.jsLibraries such as this one are used to connect to Ethernet nodes to enable interaction with the blockchain and read and write data.

In the EVM ecology, smart contracts are the foundation of Web3 applications, and the implementation and development of Web3 applications need to be carried out based on the EVM ecology. Therefore, understanding the basic concepts of EVM ecology and Web3 applications is the foundation for blockchain public chain development and the prerequisite for developing high-quality Web3 applications.

EVM ecology building

EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) is short for Ethernet Virtual Machine, a core component of the Ethernet public chain.EVM is a stack-based virtual machine used to execute the bytecode of Ethernet smart contracts.EVM has similar functions to an operating system and can manage and allocate resources, including compute, memory and storage resources.

When building the EVM ecology, the following points need to be noted.

1. Security issues

Security is an important issue that needs attention in the process of building the EVM ecosystem. In the selection and configuration of nodes and wallets, their security and reliability need to be considered to avoid security issues such as network attacks and loss of digital assets.

2. Testing of smart contracts

Testing of smart contracts is an important step in EVM ecology building, which can be used to find and eliminate loopholes and errors in the contracts and improve the quality and reliability of the contracts. In the testing process, a comprehensive testing method is required, including unit testing, integration testing and performance testing.

3. Specific steps and considerations for building EVM ecology

Before building the EVM ecosystem, you need to determine the required hardware and software configurations, including operating systems, node software, smart contract development tools, and wallets. Commonly used operating systems include Ubuntu, CentOS, etc. Commonly used node software includes Geth, Parity, etc. Smart contract development tools include Remix, Truffle, etc. Wallets are used to manage and trade digital assets, and ethereum wallets such as Metamask, MyEtherWallet, etc. are commonly used wallet tools.

The specific steps for building an EVM ecology are as follows.

    1. Install node software and wallet: Install and configure accordingly according to the selected node software and wallet type.
    2. Start the node and synchronize the block data: Start the node software and wait for the node to synchronize the block data. The time of block synchronization depends on factors such as the performance of the node software and the network environment.
    3. Write smart contract code: Write smart contract code using smart contract development tools such as Remix, Truffle, etc., and debug and test it.
    4. Deploy smart contracts: Deploy smart contract code to the blockchain network and get the smart contract address.
    5. Writing Web3 applications: Using the Web3.js library and other front-end development technologies, write Web3 application code that implements functionality to interact with the EVM network.
    6. Testing and publishing Web3 applications: Perform testing and debugging of Web3 applications, and publish Web3 applications to the online environment.

There are several aspects to consider when building an EVM ecology, and the following are some specific steps and considerations.

    • Choose a suitable public chain node: A public chain node is the foundation of the EVM ecology, and you need to choose a stable and reliable public chain node as the base environment. Ethernet is one of the most widely used public chains, so you can choose an Ethernet node to build.
    • Installing and configuring Ethernet nodes: Installing and configuring Ethernet nodes requires the use of specific command line tools and configuration files, such as geth and genesis.json. Installation and configuration needs to be done on a case-by-case basis to meet the needs of the EVM ecosystem.
    • Deploy smart contracts: Deploying smart contracts is one of the key steps in the EVM ecosystem. Smart contract development tools, such as Remix and Truffle, need to be used to write and deploy smart contracts. Attention needs to be paid to the security and reliability of smart contracts to guarantee the stability and availability of the EVM ecosystem.
    • Integrating wallets: Integrating wallets is one of the important steps to implement Web3 applications. You can use Ethernet wallet tools, such as Metamask, MyEtherWallet, etc., or develop your own wallet application. Attention needs to be paid to the security and privacy protection of the wallet to improve the reliability and trust of the EVM ecosystem.
    • Testing and Optimization: Testing and optimization is the ongoing process of building the EVM ecology, which requires testing in several areas, including security testing, performance testing, and compatibility testing, to ensure the stability and availability of the EVM ecology. It also requires continuous optimization and upgrades to adapt to the changing market and technology needs.

Use of Solidity Language

Solidity is a smart contract programming language based on the Ether Virtual Machine (EVM). It has the following features and advantages.

  1. Security: Solidity language adopts a series of security mechanisms, including permission control, exception handling, state variable checking, etc., which can help developers write more secure smart contracts.
  2. Powerful type system: Solidity language supports a variety of data types, including integer, boolean, byte, address, etc., and also supports complex data types such as structures and enumerations.
  3. Extensibility: Solidity language can easily extend existing contracts, support inheritance, libraries and other features, which can help developers write more flexible smart contracts.
  4. Easy to use: Solidity language is similar to C++ and JavaScript, easy to learn and master.

When writing smart contracts in the Solidity language, the following basic syntax and common data types are required.

  1. Variable definition and assignment: To define a variable, you need to specify the data type and use the keywords "var", "uint", "bool", etc. You can also use the The "=" operator can be used to perform the assignment.
  2. Function definition and invocation: To define a function, you need to specify the function name, parameter list and return value type, and you can also specify the visibility and access rights of the function, while the function invocation needs to provide the parameter list and return value.
  3. Conditional and looping statements: Solidity language supports conditional and looping statements such as if statements, while statements, for statements, etc., which can help developers implement complex business logic.
  4. Arrays and mappings: Solidity language supports composite data types such as arrays and mappings to store and manipulate data easily.

After writing a smart contract, it needs to be tested and debugged. solidity language provides various testing frameworks and tools, such as Truffle, Remix, Ganache, etc., which can help developers to test and debug the smart contract. Testing includes unit testing, integration testing, functional testing, etc., which can help developers verify the correctness and security of the contract. Debugging can be performed through the debugger provided by Solidity compiler, which helps developers quickly locate problems in the contract.

Web3 application development

1.Web3.js library of the basic principles and API introduction

Web3 application development requires the use of Web3.js library to achieve interaction with the Ethernet network. web3.js library is an official JavaScript library provided by Ethernet, which provides a series of APIs to achieve interaction with Ethernet nodes, including account management, transaction processing, smart contract calls and other functions. web3.js library is an important part of Web3 application development The Web3.js library is an important part of Web3 application development, and can be used to implement various functions of Web3 applications through the APIs it provides.

2. The introduction and use of Web3.js library

The basic principle of Web3.js library is to use JSON-RPC protocol to realize the communication with Ethernet nodes. JSON-RPC protocol is a JSON-based remote call protocol that can realize remote calls between different languages. In Web3.js library, JSON-RPC protocol is used to realize the interaction with Ethernet nodes, such as sending transactions, calling smart contracts and other operations. the API provided in Web3.js library is implemented based on JSON-RPC protocol, and developers can directly call the API to realize the interaction with Ethernet nodes.

3. Interaction and data acquisition in the Ethernet network

In Web3 application development, the connection to the Ethernet node can be achieved by introducing the Web3.js library. the Web3.js library can be introduced in the following ways.

import Web3 from 'web3';

const web3 = new Web3('http://localhost:8545'); // connect to local ethernet node

After connecting to an Ethernet node, various functions can be implemented through the API provided by the Web3.js library. For example, to get the height of the current block, the following code can be used.

web3.eth.getBlockNumber((err, blockNumber) => {
  console.log('Current block number:', blockNumber);

In addition to interacting with Ether nodes, Web3 application development also requires calls to smart contracts to implement business logic. After writing smart contracts in Solidity language, you can use Web3.js library to deploy and call smart contracts. web3.js library provides a series of APIs to implement smart contract calls, such asweb3.eth.Contract.contract.methods.methodName()etc. method.

const contractABI = [
  // Smart Contract ABI

const contractAddress = '0x123...' ;

const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(contractABI, contractAddress);

contract.methods.methodName().call((err, result) => {
  console.log('Method result:', result);

In the above way, the Web3.js library can be used to implement various functions of Web3 applications, including the interaction with Ethernet nodes, smart contract invocation and deployment, etc.

With the continuous development and maturity of blockchain technology, blockchain public chain development is also expanding and deepening. The following are the new trends and development directions of blockchain public chain development.

    1. Ether 2.0 development and change

Ethernet is currently recognized as one of the largest smart contract platforms, but there are still some bottlenecks in its development, such as performance issues and scalability problems. Therefore, the launch of Ether 2.0 has become one of the hottest topics in the public chain field at present. Ether 2.0 features the introduction of a series of new features such as PoS consensus mechanism and slicing technology, aiming to improve the performance and scalability of Ether and further expand the application scenarios of Ether.

    1. Blockchain Public Chain'sCross-chain interoperabilityand integration

With the continuous popularity of blockchain technology and expansion of application scenarios, cross-chain interoperability and integration among blockchain public chains has also become one of the hot topics in blockchain public chain development. On the basis of cross-chain interoperability and integration, it can further promote the development of blockchain ecosystem, expand the application scenarios of blockchain, and realize the application of blockchain technology in a wider range of fields.

    1. New applications and trends of Web3 technology

Web3 technology, as an important part of blockchain technology, will also play an increasingly important role in the future development. web3 technology will not only be limited to the development of blockchain applications, but will also play a role in more areas. For example, the use of Web3 technology to build decentralized applications, enable the management and trading of digital assets, use smart contracts to manage and verify data, and use decentralized authentication technology to safeguard user privacy.

    1. The importance and significance of blockchain public chain development

The importance and significance of blockchain public chain development lies in its ability to drive the development and application of blockchain technology. As an important part of the blockchain ecosystem, blockchain public chain can provide support for different application scenarios, such as the management and trading of digital assets and the development of decentralized applications. Through blockchain public chain development, it can promote the application of blockchain technology in a wider range of fields, further expand the application scenarios of blockchain, and enhance the influence and value of blockchain technology.

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