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MFF Swap

MM Finance is the most popular AMM & DEX on Cronos & Polygon with the highest trading volume. We have the lowest transaction fees at 0.17%. Plus, we were the first to introduce Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL) to our DEX!



MFF Swap


MM Finance The most popular AMM & DEX on Cronos & Polygon with the highest trading volume. We have the lowest transaction fees at 0.17%. Plus, we were the first to introduce Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL) to our DEX!

MFF Swap

MFF Swap


Official Document Introduction

MM Finance The most popular AMM & DEX on Cronos & Polygon with the highest trading volume. We have the lowest transaction fees at 0.17%. Plus, we were the first to introduce Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL) to our DEX!
As a trader
You will find promising projects early on MM Finance and accompany them through trading, mining and other ways to grow into big players. In addition, we have the lowest trading fees. How great is that? Compared to other decentralized exchanges, you can save money by trading with us!
As a project
You will find the best support on MM Finance, including grant/launch platform fundraising, arbitrage support, marketing support and our network across all chains. Projects can contact us to set up a mining pool or farm, or whitelist our exchange.
↔️ Trade
Instant token exchange: no registration or account required. Everything is decentralized!
Reduced costs
MM Finance runs on Cronos and Polygon, and the blockchain has much lower transaction costs than Ether or Bitcoin. It's not that much cheaper, but it's about 100 times cheaper!
Unlike centralized exchanges, MM Finance doesn't hold your funds while you trade: you have ownership of your tokens for 100% and you can trade directly from your wallet without anyone holding your funds! The power of DEX!
Earn $MMF and other tokens for free with high interest rates and APY!
Annual Percentage Yield (APY) Yes The actual return on an investment Consider the effect of compound interest . Unlike simple interest, compound interest is calculated periodically and the amount is immediately added to the balance.
Minimum Transaction Fee
With a transaction fee of 0.17% (the lowest in the industry), you will always get the best rates when you trade with MM Finance.
Earn $MMF through Yield Farms
Pledge LP tokens to earn $MMF. You can earn LP tokens by pledging them in the Liquidity Pool (LP). The amount of $MMF you will receive as a reward can be obtained through APR ( Annual Percentage Rate ) to calculate
Earn tokens Through the mining pool
Pledge $MMF to earn tokens contributed by our partner projects. Partner projects provide us with their tokens to help them increase their exposure through our platform or as payment for our help in building their farms!
Earn transaction fees
As with other centralized exchanges, when you put tokens into the Liquidity Pool (LP), you get a transaction fee (0.10%) for all transactions made through your pair.
Our first preliminary Certik audit has been completed ✅
Mad Meerkat Finance – CertiK 安全排行榜
As we continue to build our platform, our team will continue to engage additional audit firms to audit our code. We would like to engage 3 different audit firms to help examine our code so that we are protected from all attack vectors.
Our goal is to create a secure platform for everyone that is free from attacks.


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