Nomi Swap


Nomiswap The first decentralized trading platform on the market with a binary recommendation system and the lowest platform transaction fee (0.1%). We are a decentralized trading platform for exchanging current BEP-20 tokens on the Cryptocurrency Smartchain network

Nomi Swap

Nomi Swap

Official Document Introduction
Nomi Swap
Nomiswap is widely recognized for its Nominex Support for centralized exchanges. The two platforms are deeply integrated with each other.
Key features of Nomiswap
Ability to trade at a cost of 0% --thanks to utilitarian farming/pledging, where you get cash back on transaction fees corresponding to the amount you put into the liquidity pool or startup pool.
Unique Nominex/Nomiswap CeDeFi Ecosystem Provides you with the opportunity to receive rewards and benefits using the Nominex centralized or Nomiswap decentralized platform.
Practical agriculture and mortgage – 意味着您可以获得额外的推荐奖励、推荐计划资格和特殊规模的交易费用现金返还,用于使用 NMX 代币保留在农业池中的价值量。
Referral rewards from 3 types of activities -- You are rewarded from swap fees paid, farmed tokens and tokens earned through the launch pool.
Binary referral program with 2 types of rewards – 您可以从自己的直接推荐(通过您的推荐链接开始使用该平台)的所有活动中获得奖励。 此外,您还可以从整个推荐团队的所有活动中获得奖励,这些奖励来自您推荐结构中低于您的任何级别的所有人 – 这称为无限推荐级别。
Nomiswap aims to be the benchmark for DEX platforms. We want to be the leading DEX platform in the token swap market.
We are highly committed to providing real value, fairness and innovation in decentralized finance through our high quality products and services. Nomiswap Fast and secure, anyone can redeem and earn tokens.

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