NFT One-Click Transactions, NFT Aggregator</trp-post-container
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NFT One Click Trading, NFT Aggregator

NFT One Click Trading Genie is used by.

NFT One Click Trading, NFT Aggregator

Steps to use

1. Connect your wallet
2. Click on "Add Items" on "Your List
3. Click on all the NFTs in your wallet that you want to sell
4. Click "Select Token" to do so
5. Enter the listing price
6. Click on the market space you want to list
7. Set the expiration date
1. Please note that Rarible does not currently support expiration.
8. When you are ready, click "Publish Listing".
9. Approve the token
10. Sign the deal

Trading steps.

1. Connect the wallet
2. Click on "You Received".
3. Search for any NFT collection
1. If the collection is not available, then copy and paste the contract address into the search. This will begin indexing the collection. (~ 1-2 minutes)
4. Click on all the NFTs you want to purchase
5. Click on "Select Token" to do so
6. Once ready, click on "Review Order"
7. Once satisfied, click "Place Order"
8. Wait for the Genie to grant your wish!


A list of frequently asked questions about Genie.
Genie Swap
What is Genie Swap?
Genie Swap is the first ever NFT market aggregator. genie users can buy and sell all major markets in bulk in a single transaction.
Are there any fees for Genie Swap?
Genie Swap does not charge any fees.
How gas efficient is Genie Swap?
Genie Swap's architecture is designed to help users efficiently batch multiple actions in a single transaction. There are several ways to reduce the overhead of gas consumption (the extra cost you incur when using aggregators), including extensive use of libraries and delegate calls, as well as moving any possible logic off-chain when building transactions.
What NFTs does Genie Swap support?
Genie supports all the NFTs listed in our integrated marketplace.
If an NFT collection is not currently indexed, the user can paste the contract address of the collection into the search bar. genie will take ~1-2 minutes to index the collection.
How many trades can I make in a single exchange?
Genie allows you to buy and sell multiple NFTs in bulk in a single transaction. we recommend that users buy up to 20 NFTs in a single swap.
What does "no immediate liquidity found" mean when trying to sell my NFT?
If this information appears under your NFT, then this means that there is no NFTX or NFT20 liquidity pool for Genie to sell your NFT instantly. if you still want to sell, please use Genie List.
Do I need ETH to swap on Genie?
Yes, trading on Genie Swap using the ethereum blockchain requires a sufficient amount of ETH to cover the gas cost of your transaction.

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